2018 - JUNE 
Cardiff Bay

It was a gorgeous day. I was cycling my Cardiff Bay & Newport Loop and as I passed through the Bay, I simply had to take a few shots. It was odd too, because the bay is generally quite busy.


  1. Just found your site, but now recognise your name from the volunteers site. Taff trail on list and your notes so far look excellent. Any info about campsites end route and any plans to describe the route from Cardiff?

    1. Hey Bob... thanks for the comment. I'm working on a Taff Trail report. I've got a few parts together, but I've yet to get the section from Cardiff to Pontypridd. Thant's next on my list! Meanwhile, check out and let me know what you think: https://bikewalesrides.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-taff-trail-brecon-to-pontsticill.html
