2018 - APRIL 
Man Engine

I volunteered for this event when it visited Blaenavon Iron Works in April of this year. I was completely blown away. The entire experience was incredibly cool and loads of fun. I was quite impressed with how they told the story of mining in this specific part of Wales. The ironeworks made a perfect amphitheatre for the show. Read more at: The Man Engine.

I arrived early that morning so I could photograph the ironworks before the show started.

Then I just wandered around the venue handing out programs and shooting images as the visitors arrived.

Blaenavon Ironworks preserves a rich Welsh cultural heritage that is fascinating to explore.

The show was sold out show with over 3,000 people in attendance. The excitement was palpable.

Then the big man arrived! It was time to wake him...

Aaaarrrrggghhh!!!!! He's ALIVE!

And then the event began it's storytelling. I had no idea...

The interaction bewtween Man Engine and the actors was quite surprising and very well developed.

A full cast of characters told the story of the ironworks, Big Pit, and the people of Blaenavon.

I was completely in awe. The performance seemed to hold such a resonance with everyone watching.

I had no idea that the show would have so much drama with such a powerful story. It had a noticeable impact on the crowd.

Man Engine captured the emotion and the passion of the Welsh people perfectly. There is such pride in the history of this hard lifestyle and mining in Wales.

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