2018 - AUGUST 
Llantony Priory

Climbing the Gospel Pass has several rewards but if you're not looking for it; Llantony Priory is a majestic piece of history ya just might miss. It's not visible from the road and the sign is rather small, but I assure you; if you venture up the road... the rewards are grand.


  1. Truly heavenly-You have captured a wonderful little corner of our world. It's always difficult to find a balance between promoting or keeping things secret-You have managed to bridge that gap by suggesting the perfect way to visit...take your time getting there, the journey is almost as wonderful as the Abbey.
    Once again Muse, thank you.

    1. Hey Deano! What a wonderful surprise to find your comments this morning. I sometimes wonder if this blog has any value or relevance, but your kind words mean everything. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit (and commenting). You've put a big grin on my face. Cheers!
